What's the most terrifying moment in a film?

I know this film is hugely divisive but the first time I saw The Blair Witch the ending freaked me the fuck out. All the child hand prints and then you see him stood in the corner and you have just enough time to recall what that signifies and then whoomp! Holy shit! A fully grown adult who’s lived alone for most of my adult life had to stay up for another hour or so and watch something banal until the heebeegeebees had calmed down and I could go to bed!


Gah, that bit made me jump a fecking mile!

I bloody love Blair Witch. Think it still holds up

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While the feature version of Lights Out is fine, the short film that spawned it does everything required in just over two minutes :+1:


Stoned out of my brain the first time i saw that.
Scared the shit out of me.

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not the most, however recently watched The Haunting of Hill House which overall was ok, but the jump scene in ep 8 was fucking tremendous! My wife did a proper scream which also scared the shit out of me. Restored my faith in a good old jump scare tbf

Same. Not saying I was watching it with my eyes half shut but I barely recognised the picture on the flyposters that went up everywhere when the DVD came out.

When it says “Starring Jim Carrey”

Possibly age related due to first seeing it when I was 12 but it has stuck with me. The Exorcist, not all the gore, but the moment Regan’s voice breaks for the first time, To see someone so young talk like that. The film was descending into pure dread and terror anyway, but that moment when her voice first dips low, utter terror with myself pushing into the back on the sofa to get away from it but completely transfixed in complete horror.

I didn’t sleep with the light off for over a week after that and on the first night I didn’t sleep at all. The film is a real terror classic.

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When James Caan’s ankles wobble in Misery. Even thinking about it makes me queasy.


That scene is different but also horrifying in the book :+1:


The lads popping in Under the Skin freaked the fuck out of me. Think it was the creaking noises


Oh my god, I remember watching this with my parents. To be honest, I remember that made me jump a bit but not half as much as my mom absolutely screaming at it

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I should have seen this at an earlier age I guess. I only saw it when it was finally re-released in the cinema when in my late 20s and I just laughed at it tbh, by then I’d seen too many parodies or comedy sketches based on it. I found Exorcist III far scarier, that may just have been Brad Dourif’s intense performance though!


Watched the Shining when I was fairly young and the bath lady got me quite a bit.

The tall man in IT Follows as well more recently.

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Bathtub scene in Jacob’s Ladder



That film still seems oddly underrated. Love Tim Robbins

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Watched Predator at an 8th birthday party, made it to Arnie and pals discovering the skinned bodies in the chopper and had to watch the rest from behind a fish tank. In case you are wondering I was also 8.

Similar sort of age again, Poltergeist 2 this time, the dad is drinking tequila which contains the worm like reincarnation of the creepy preacher from the first film who is later vomited out fully grown in full 80’s ky jelly animatronic fashion. Ran out of the room screaming. This abomination was designed by HR Giger which makes sense, how I loathe his mind Just watched it again for the first time since and it still turned my stomach.

Robin Hood Prince of Thieves in the cinema aged about 9 terrified me! Well the bit when Robin goes home and finds his dads rotting corpse in the Iron Maiden did, that image burned into my mind. Just watched it again for the first time since and had totally forgotten his dad was played by BRIAN BLESSED.

Sat through the entirety of The Running Man with my eyes closed.

Honourable mentions to two that fill me me with real nausea to recall, Event Horizon and Prince Of Darkness. Such an oppressive atmosphere of doom in both.

happier times here though, these are two clips that I love and still shit me right up

I was expecting The Innocents to be a bit tame and quaint but it’s really chilling

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I know it’s such an obvious thing to say, but this really is one of the best films ever made, huh? Perfect choice.

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