2018 January Film DiScussion Thread


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I agree about yr spoilered bit; that, and a number of other moments (some of which quite unexpectedly) got me emotionally throughout

The racist and homophobic characters I guess? I agree it’s a solid 7/10

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I thought that bit was moving and also pretty funny with the way he got back at mildred from beyond the grave. I do in general have a bit of an issue with using suicide as a plot device but it was done pretty well. when willloughby’s wife drops off the letter and the kids are in the back of the car, that really got me

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I really REALLY disliked Three Billboards. I don’t know where to start, let’s go for the lesser issues. The acting is pretty ropey throughout but especially Woody Harrelson’s wife (what the fuck was that accent) and Frances McDormant’s son (the scene where he gets angry about the billboards in the car and slams his door is one of the most bizarrely written and acted scenes I’ve seen in ages). Frances was fine but felt really one note to me, so not understanding the awards buzz about her either.

Then there’s the reliance on coincidence Oh they’re both in the same hospital! Oh two people in a completely empty bar decide to sit next to the one other person in the bar to loudly declare he committed a crime! Oh she’s in the same restaurant as her ex husband!

Then there’s the plotting, characters given no back story and ridiculous twists The colleague from the gift shop who disappears to go to prison and when is released THREE WEEKS LATER doesn’t seem angry or upset about it, even though the reality of PoC being jailed for drug offences in the states is infamously incredibly harsh, but McDonagh doesn’t seem arsed about that. Also, why does Woody Harrelson carry on working when he’s very ill? Is it expected in American working culture to carry on working unless you’re about to drop dead? That’s a genuine question btw. Why do people seem to treat her rage at her daughter being raped, murdered and burnt only 7 months previous as aggressive and not something that is totally understandable, no one seems to empathise with her outside of her family? Why is her ex husband dating someone younger and his past as a wife abuser not treated anywhere near as seriously as it should be? What was with all the fucking “midget” jokes?

But the biggest problem I had with it was the Sam Rockwell character and that his racism was treated almost like a joke. He talks about torturing a black person in custody and it barely gets challenged. He then gets a redemption arch which is so misjudged and undeserved - then again I found it impossible to root for anyone in this

I’m not sober so this is probably rambly but I am baffled this is getting the reception it has.

Just watched The Shawshank Redemption for the first time in maybe 15 years or so. It’s grand like, a 7 or maybe 8 out of 10 but I don’t really see what makes it stand out above any other film.

“Why” :grinning:

watched Good Time. thought it was a bit shit actually


Hits many of the usual Pixar plot points, but it’s great fun all the same. Amazing to look at and the ending is very touching.

It’s my own fault for coming into these threads and paying attention to headlines but I feel my experience of Three Billboards might be slightly coloured now, knowing the conversations that are going on around it.

Does anyone else feel that they lose something from going into a film knowing there’s going to be a “debate” about it or that there’s controversial elements? Or does it just give another angle to view the film from and allow you to watch it in a more critical, informed way than you might have otherwise?

(Not talking about knowing any spoilers, just generally having a sense that there’s a particular topic or scene that has got people talking)

I think it was Australian South African Irish in Recieved Pronounciation.

I also spent much of the film thinking about how it would have worked if set in Epping, Essex instead.

It’s a very sweet film - feels like an improvement on the last couple since Inside Out, although it doesn’t reach Paddington 2 levels of onion chopping.

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I watched Eastern Promises last night and thought Nikolai was played by Liam Neeson for most of it. It’s actually some Danish person that looks a lot like Liam Neeson.

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more like Bad Time eh lol

it’s Viggo Mortensen ffs! :rofl:


All white men with square heads look the same to me.


have you even heard of Aragorn!!

I have never seen or read Lord of the Rings in my short and dull life.

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Keep it that way!

An advert for Liam Neesons new film came on Spotify and it sounded so much like a pastiche it was remarkable

i watched Speed the other night, and soon as I turned it off and switched back to normal TV I saw the trailer for that. Speed may be ridiculous but the contrast between actual train cars and vehicles and liam neeson pretending to jump between CGI trains had me howling.

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