DiS Users' January 2025 Album Of The Month - The Results


Welcome to the longest running monthly episodic thread in DiS history. This thread is now in its 12th year. It’s always been a good place for recommendations. It’s also confirmation that I’ve little better to do than to count stuff up on here for over a decade.

Vote for your favourite five albums. Make your selections clear please as it makes tallying up the scores easier. If you list a whole bunch of albums without making your selections clear I’ll take the first five mentioned as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. No joint positions please. Sorry to be a pedant.

Your album of the month will get five points, 2nd placed album four points, 3rd placed album three points, 4th placed album two points and 5th one point. If you name only one album I’ll give that five points. If you name two albums I’ll score them with five and four points etc. You get the message.

My choices:

1. Larkin Poe - Bloom

2. Kathryn Mohr - Waiting Room

3. Pigeon Pit - crazy arms

4. jasmine.4.t. - You Are The Morning

5. Victoria Canal - Slowly, It Dawns

I haven’t heard too many new albums this year. I’ve mainly been reacquainting myself with albums by The Jesus Lizard and Shilpa Ray. I had/have tickets for both artists this month.

I enjoyed the Radio 2-friendly mum/dad country rock album of Larkin Poe and saw them at Rough Trade East a few days ago. A good album. I liked my other picks too but will have to revisit them.

Always a lot of great recommendations from you guys about albums that I’ve missed or overlooked. Not sure what’s out tomorrow. I’ll see what you guys are listening to.

Please forgive any shameless bumps of this thread during the week. I’ll keep this thread open until Sunday 9th February and so you’ll have over a week to listen to tomorrow’s releases if there’s anything out before choosing.

Vote now!! (Or later in the week) but make your choices clear please.

  1. Ex Void - In Love Again
  2. Zzzahara- Spiral Your Way Out
  3. jasmine.4.t. - You Are The Morning

Hoping to get into the Ethel Cain ambient record but I need to be in the right mood, this is it for now. Liking 3 albums in Jan is great tbh.

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nudge nudge recommend you try the Prism Shores album too

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Strong month tbf

  1. zzzahara - Spiral Your Way Out
  2. Ex Vöid - In Love Again
  3. Little Oso - How Lucky to be Somebody
  4. jasmine.4.t - You Are The Morning
  5. Rose City Band - Sol Y Sombra
  1. Prism Shores - Out From Underneath
  2. pacing - songs
  3. Flora Hibberd - Swirl
  4. some fear - Some Fear
  5. Anna B Savage - You & I Are Earth
The Rest

Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out
Ethel Cain - Perverts
lots of hands - into a pretty room
Sophie Jamieson - I Still Want to Share
Ghoulies - Shafted by the Algorithm
Alpaca Sports - Another Day
Brigid Mae Power - Songs For You
Freckle - Freckle
The Laughing Chimes - Whispers in the Speech Machine

  1. The Weather Station - Humanhood
  2. Ethel Cain - Perverts
  3. Alchemy - COULD IT BE ANY WORSE
  4. Pacing - songs
  5. Franz Ferdinand - The Human Fear

Honourable mentions:

Diane Cluck - House Tears
Quinton Barnes - CODE NOIR
Häxkapell - Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp

1 and 2 very, very close. Everything I’ve heard has had something invigorating in some way or another.

  1. Ela Minus - DIA
  2. Ghais Guevara - Goyard Ibn Said
  3. Prism Shores - Out From Underneath
  4. MIKE - Showbiz!
  5. The Laughing Chimes - Whispers in the Speech Machine

HMs: jasmine.4.t, X-Cetra, OC From NC, Iceface, Benjamin Booker, Young Knives, DITZ, Taffy

  1. Anna B Savage - You & i are Earth

  2. Sophie Jamieson - I Still Want To Share

  3. Blaue Blume - Regnvade Sale (Rain-soaked Halls)

  4. Mogwai - The Bad Fire

  5. Ethel Cain - Perverts

Also like Ela Minus and Jasmine.4.t albums. Strong month.

  1. Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy - HEAL
  2. Blacksea Não Maya - Despertar
  3. Shinichi Atobe - Discipline
  4. AI Wootton - Calvinist Hospitality
  5. Rose City Band - Sol Y Sombra
  1. Bloodbark - Sacred Sound Of Solitude
  2. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  3. Snowspire - Approaching Hearthfire
  4. À Terre - Embrasser La Nuit
  5. The Great Old Ones - Kadath
  1. Anna B Savage - You & i are Earth
  2. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  3. Ela Minus - DIA
  1. Kathryn Mohr - Waiting Room
  2. MIKE - Showbiz!
  3. Blacksea Não Maya - Despertar
  4. Rob Mazurek - Nestor’s Nest
  5. Konrad Sprenger - Set
  1. The Weather Station - Humanhood
  2. Amaia - Si Abro Los Ojos No Es Real
  3. Joona Toivanen Trio - Gravity
  4. Kathryn Mohr - Waiting Room
  5. Dax Riggs - 7 Songs for Spiders
and also

Pacing - songs
Ocean Moon - Ways to the Deep Meadow
Melissa Weikart - Easy
ZÉRO ABSOLU - La Saignée
Moon Apple - Four Pillars
Ex-Vöid - In Love Again

  1. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  2. Ethel Cain - Perverts
  3. Ditz - Never Exhale
  4. Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out
  5. Charm School - Debt Forever

The Ethel Cain album I thought was astonishing and possibly only out of loyalty to one of my favourite bands of all time isn’t number 1. Went back to listen to Preachers Daughter on the back of it and still does nothing for me.

  1. jasmine.4.t - You Are the Morning
  2. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  3. Anna b Savage - You & i are Earth

Bad Bunny is the best pop album since brat

  1. Bad Bunny - Debí Tirar Más Fotos
  2. Pink Siifu - Black Antique
  3. Khadija Al Hanafi - OK!
  4. Kathryn Mohr - Waiting room
  5. Ghais Guevara - Goyard Ibn Said
Also enjoyed these

Aleksi Perala - Cycles 0
Benjamin Booker - Lower
Dean Blunt - Lucre
Ditz - Never Exhale
Ebo Taylor - Jazz is Dead 22
Ela Minus - Día
jasmine.4.t - You Are the Morning
Jeshi - Airbag Woke Me Up
Luigi Tozzi - Sentient
Mac Miller- Balloonerism
MIKE - Showbiz
Phatness - Fillerkiller
Smalltown Supersound - Jordsvingninger
Songhoy Blues - Heritage


Yay, January - new music is back!

  1. Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out
  2. Ethel Cain - Perverts
  3. Franz Ferdinand - The Human Fear
  4. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  5. Anna B Savage - You & I Are Earth

Suspect that ^those top two are going to be troubling my end of year list - both great albums…

  1. Ela Minus
  2. Denude
  3. Phatness
  4. zzahara
  5. Mogwai
  1. Luke Trimble - Headed Out The Holler
  2. Bad Bunny - DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS
  3. Samba Touré - Baarakekaw
  4. jasmine.4.t - You Are The Morning
  5. Mogwai - The Bad Fire

Luke Trimble with the best country album I’ve heard in ages & Bad Bunny with an awesome blend of modern pop and more traditional Puerto Rican sounds.

Also enjoyed Chris Eckman, Songhoy Blues, Decius, Moonchild Sanelly, Weather Station, Maribou State, tunng & Explosions In The Sky


Extremely strong start to the year. Enjoyed the albums I’d been looking forward to – Mogwai, The Weather Station, Will Oldham and Anna B Savage – and made a bunch of new discoveries.

  1. Anna B Savage - You and I Are Earth
  2. Kathryn Mohr - Waiting Room
  3. Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - The Purple Bird
  4. The Weather Station - Humanhood
  5. Prism Shores - Out From Underneath
    Just missing out: Sam Amidon, Brigid Mae Power, Minor Conflict, Laundromat Chicks, Bridget Hayden and the Apparitions
  1. Ela Minus - DIA
  2. Mogwai - The Bad Fire
  3. Ida Duelund - Sibo
  4. Aeva - Avar
  5. Brigid Mae Power - Songs for You