back like cooked crack (word to Juelz) with another list that nobody asked for, this time with the top 100 tracks from the last 25 years (imo). is this just an attempt to avoid doing any actual work? an excuse to post a bunch of dipset? an elaborate ploy into shaming the chairman into posting his albums list? i couldn’t possibly say (yes to all three).
1 track per artist, because arbitrary rules are important (and the list would just be 75% future / young thug otherwise)
if you spot a 1999 track that managed to sneak past quality control please know that i meant for that to happen and you will look very foolish if you point it out.
when you start these things, 100 seems loads but you find you quickly run out of spaces. what i’m saying is, i’ve made some terrible choices and i’m sorry, but it’s done now and we’ll all just have to learn to live with it.
not sure how to wrap this post up so here’s a nice dipset gif for your enjoyment
only discovered this song last year and immediately became a bit obsessed with it. would it have still made the list if i’d discovered it back in 2013? probably not, but I didn’t so it does.
important to have some master p representation on a DiS list at last i think
Really like 1999 and this track especially, but absolutely this. Also adds to the slight ‘hip hop was so much better back in the day’ vibe of the whole project.
Not sure Lil B would be in a hurry to swap his career for Joey’s either tbf
97. Drakeo The Ruler - Neiman & Marcus Don’t Know You (2017)
being told that the staff at the department store don’t recognise me isn’t something that would bother me much yet drakeo’s ice cold delivery makes it seem like the most devastating put down you could ever receive
‘savage mode’ has a real vibe, one that 21 been unable (or uninterested) to capture since. think the whole project is pretty great but this is the best song from it - his usual deadpan thug talk accompanied by a moment of reflection on how far such talk has brought him, all over an ethereal young metro beat.
Wasn’t trying to be a shit, I literally just made a playlist for myself so I could listen more easily and then when I got to the bottom I saw your reply