Outdoor smoking ban

Currently in the news as something that might happen.

Ministers look at extending restrictions to areas including pub gardens, restaurant terraces and children’s playgrounds

Good thing or a gross infringement on civil liberties, ultimately unworkable, and a hit on the fragile hospitality industry?

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It’s annoying imo when you’re outside in a pub garden and etc when someone near you is smoking and it goes all over you but you can’t really say anything

Also Farage is a smoker and was fuming about it on the news earlier, so that’s enough for me



Restaurant terraces/playgrounds/hospitals etc. Yeah, makes sense.

Pub beer gardens / front of pub. Noooo


Fucking awful idea


Dont even smoke anymore but the feeling to this news i have is ‘guess that means less trips to the pub then’

Please expedite the continued declibe of our pasttimes further yer cunts

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just leave vaping alone please


If people were smoking organic, fair trade tobacco then knock yourself out. The tabacco industry is gross, fuck it.


I dunno, I could listen to and agree with arguments on both sides I think


I hate the nanny state term but fucking hell, get your priorities straight

I think i dont like the idea of people not being able to make decisions for themselves. I dont really smoke, vape occasionally, but this will just turn people against the government even more. I imagine I’ll live to see some kind of booze prohibition too, which even if i didnt drink would make way for an incredibly dull future as we erase more and more third spaces


The people campaigning for this are pretty upfront that their aim is to ban smoking. If that’s the goal they should campaign to make smoking illegal but they don’t, because… for the life of me I can’t think why.


often think about how lovely it is being able to walk around with your beer in Berlin, and wonder exactly how that would play out over here + why

like, what are the root causes of the tendency of Brits (mostly English people or idk Rangers + Cardiff fans) to act out + seemingly be unable to be trusted with a bit more of these sorts of freedoms

Beer gardens is annoying when people smoke but the front of pubs or actual areas for smokers should be allowed.

The beer garden is a shared space.

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not hugely into banning anything like cigarettes, drugs, booze etc. was against the indoor smoking ban at the time even though I didn’t smoke.

would probably just leave it up to the landlord’s discretion.


If they can fix the causes of smoking in public, sure, but otherwise, it’s not high on my priority list. It’s not like saving the NHS money is in any way related to saving the NHS

Reckon they won’t do it, they’re just getting everyone talking


I look forward to my enhanced freedom to enjoy clean air in shared spaces :saluting_face:


Also I assume this would just be rolled into the bill to prevent children taking up smoking (which didn’t pass Parliament before the election), so it’s not really extra effort / a case of other things not happening, it’s a bit of extra legislation in a bill that will happen anyway.


I get it but there are bigger fish to fry

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ssssssomebody stop me


I don’t like sitting near someone smoking but I think it would be hard to find evidence showing that passive smoking in pub gardens is a significant public health problem